Wednesday, August 29, 2007

ooooo baby i love your way

1 Peter 2:2-3
Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.
Most of us really want to grow spiritually. Otherwise we probably wouldn't have subscribed to this daily Bible study in the first place. But wanting to grow spiritually and actually craving it, as 1 Peter suggests, are two different things. I want to grow spiritually, but not always with the same intensity that I crave a cold drink on a hot day. On days like that, there's absolutely nothing else that will suffice. I need cold water, period. Newborn babies crave to be fed so they can grow. Likewise, we should crave spiritual nurishment so we can grow in the Lord.

IF you want here's some Extra time in the Word: 1 Peter 2:1-12

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


remember the fiesta fiasco is this weekend at who's house? BECK'S HOUSE-a las tres- (3:00pm for you gringoes) and will go until around 7:00pm. If you need direciones llama me (beck). I'll give you directions and the secret code to get into mi casa. Also remember to bring bathing suits for la playa (beach) and a pot luck food item (mexicano style.) Plus bring whatever talent you got- if you don't have one, you have until saturday to get one. There will be fabalous prizes. (i think.)

Everything is Meaningless

Ecclesiastes 1:14

I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, as meaningless as chasing after the wind.

God sees everything we do. That can kind of come across as scary, but that's actually a good thing. When He's watching you, He's not hoping that you screw up somehow or hoping that he can catch you in the act of doing somthing bad. He's cheering you on, He wants you to win through Him.

Extra time in the Word: Ecclesiastes 1

Thursday, August 23, 2007

holey heart?

Exodus 20:3-4

You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.

Throughout life, we sometimes all tend to fade away from God. Of course, it's our human nature. So we have this space in our heart that is only fit for God to fill. A God shaped hole you might say. So if we stray, we try to fill that hole with other things such as the greed for money, lust, other gods, different religions, etc. They become our idols. It doesn't seem like we necessarily worship them but they become our life so we do pretty much worship them since our lives revolve around them. God doesn't like that. In the next verse God says to not worship those things because He's a jealous God. He wants us to love Him. If you want here's some extra time in the Word: Exodus 20:1-17

Monday, August 13, 2007

Put the DEVIL down!

Today's Reading- Early Ministry of Jesus- John 4
I hope everyone had a great weekend. For me between puppet shows, (btw jp and bishop BEST puppet show EVER!) hauling insane amounts of coconut trees, learning how to "correctly" open and eat coconut (and then learning not to eat too much said coconut cause the runs that's why), and defeating both my roommates by 64 points in NCAA08 football- i'd have to say it was pretty eventful. But the most significant part of my weekend was Saturday night.
After service we headed to Wendy's- I got there a little bit late- but i'm glad i did. I saw this lady with the hood of her van open outside Wendy's. Her van was packed with pretty much everything she owned. I walked over to her and asked if she needed any help. She began to tell me about everything that had happened to her in the past couple months- about how she couldn't go to the shelter- that she now didn't have any place to go- how she had no money or family- and that she feared for her safety just living out of her van. As i listened, i was as i always am amazed that we live in this great state- paradise to most people and yet there are people who are still homeless and scared. I told her that i wanted to help her with anything i could- I mean i would love to buy her a home or a new van or something- maybe some gas- call extreme makeover van edition or something- but when i asked her she very simply replied that all she wanted was a coffee and a vanilla frosty. You know sometimes we ask God for the big things in life- new flatscreen tv- new mp3 player- a new computer- in hopes that it'll make us happy. We suppose God wants us to be happy and we think happiness comes with stuff so God should provide. I wonder if that's what He means when scripture says that God will give us the desires of our heart- meaning he'll give us the ability to buy stuff- but what if you don't know what your heart desires? what if the desires of your heart have nothing to do with the stuff of this world. For me I was given a desire of my heart- the ability to help a child of God that he loves so dearly and you know what it only cost me 3.24 cents. This week think simply, think like coffee and vanilla frosties, what can you do to help a friend or a stranger on your campus this week. You can't your campus without taking a first step to help those who need it most.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Today's Verse- Early Teachings of Jesus- Luke 5
ok so this is quite possibly the most excited i've ever ever been and for all my ex-English students you'll know why by going here i think i just spontaneously peed myself.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Cash MONEY!!!!

Today's reading- Early ministry of Jesus- Luke 4
Well it seems that we have recieved some money PRAISE GOD to begin our new youth service on Sept. 5th. The only problem is i don't know how to spend it. So i need some ideas...comment me with some ideas of how to use some money for our new service--ideas would be like...using money to print t-shirts and pass them out for FREE at KHS to get people to our new service. Maybe you have an idea that would be great for our service like a cappacino (sp) machine- or some water wings for the pool- whatever it is just list em here i'll take a look and we'll see what we got- be blessed today.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Barney Remix!

Today's Readings- Early mInistry of Jesus- John 3-4
Call Me! Yeah so in case you missed the greatest rendition of By You a Drank by a youth pastor'll get another opportunity. That's right the song has been remastered and redubbed in digital quality for your listening enjoyment with it's premiere this Sat. night at HOTWATERJUICEACTION! For a small donation---ie. free you'll get this song plus other great hits- such as... I Don't like your breath! I think you Need a TIC TAC and The Sweetest Grape!!
In order to get these songs fo need to help out this Saturday from 8:30 am until 12:30 am at the Fitness Center- if you need directions just give me a call.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

TODAY'S VERSE- Early Ministry of Jesus- Mark 1
This week's sermon is our second week in FEARLESS. If you want a little preview...go ahead and read Daniel 3 that's where i'll be taking my sermon from.
Verse for the week
2 timothy 1:7- for God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Back to School SUCKERS!!!

Verse of the day- early ministry of Jesus- John 1
yeah so i've already been in school for 3 weeks so.....i'm the real sucker, but i'm happy you're all back at school and BONUS i didn't hit any high schoolers on Kapolei Parkway! Just wanted you all to know that i'm praying for you today as you head back to the harsh reality of Kapolei High School. As for my MC see you all tonight- it's gonna be a doozy.