Verses of the Day- Birth of Jesus- Matthew 2 and Luke 2
I don't know how the Wonder Years does it but I end up experiencing more spiritual lessons within a 25 minute timespan than with any other TV show-and last night was no exception. Last night's rerun was about how Karen (Kevin's sister) and her father were not seeing eye to eye. Set on her 18th birthday- Karen- a love child of the 60's wanted to shed her daddy's little girl image and begin a new life filled with uncertainity and a sort of wherever life leads me kind of attitude, while her father wanted to keep his daughter as he remembered her-soft, innocent, sweet, and naive to the world. The two constantly clash throughout the episode with Karen screaming for independence and her father wanting to protect her from the world. In the end, her father lets her go and thus Karen's new life without her father begins. The last scene ends with Kevin's narration about how no matter how far the distance will separate them becomes, her father will always leave the light on for her. I think that's a perfect image of our Lord. So many times we think we know the best way to live our lives and we struggle so much just to be set free. Sometimes as new Christians, we think that God wants to control our lives and suffocate us allowing us no freedom. So...we get upset, think we don't him and leave. What we need to realize is that we'll only truly be free when we follow in His ways. He truly wants to give us "the desires of our heart". The problem is we don't see the whole picture. He knows what's best for us and even if we reject Him and try to live without him, the best thing is that just like Kevin's father- our Lord will always leave the light on for us allowing us to come back to Him whenever we want.