Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Motel 6- We'll leave the light on for ya'

Verses of the Day- Birth of Jesus- Matthew 2 and Luke 2
I don't know how the Wonder Years does it but I end up experiencing more spiritual lessons within a 25 minute timespan than with any other TV show-and last night was no exception. Last night's rerun was about how Karen (Kevin's sister) and her father were not seeing eye to eye. Set on her 18th birthday- Karen- a love child of the 60's wanted to shed her daddy's little girl image and begin a new life filled with uncertainity and a sort of wherever life leads me kind of attitude, while her father wanted to keep his daughter as he remembered her-soft, innocent, sweet, and naive to the world. The two constantly clash throughout the episode
with Karen screaming for independence and her father wanting to protect her from the world. In the end, her father lets her go and thus Karen's new life without her father begins. The last scene ends with Kevin's narration about how no matter how far the distance will separate them becomes, her father will always leave the light on for her. I think that's a perfect image of our Lord. So many times we think we know the best way to live our lives and we struggle so much just to be set free. Sometimes as new Christians, we think that God wants to control our lives and suffocate us allowing us no freedom. So...we get upset, think we don't him and leave. What we need to realize is that we'll only truly be free when we follow in His ways. He truly wants to give us "the desires of our heart". The problem is we don't see the whole picture. He knows what's best for us and even if we reject Him and try to live without him, the best thing is that just like Kevin's father- our Lord will always leave the light on for us allowing us to come back to Him whenever we want.

Monday, July 30, 2007

No arrests made at Farm Fair HOORAY!!!

I first want to thank the girl at the ride ticket booth for warning us that the cops were after "the group passing out the cards" sweeetttt. I also want to thank tyler o, lynk, shaina, and bishop (who's not talking to me for some reason, but congrats you won the poll!) for willing to stand up and hold signs for our TV commercial- by the way tyler and lynk i will never quite look at a Dog and Pony Show the same way ever again. To everyone who passed out cards great job, now let's pray that we have an effect!
So today starts our daily bible readings, in the future i'll be putting it at the beginning of each of my posts. But we're going to start by going trough the GOSPELS in chronogical order. All you have to do is read the verse and then if you want, you can journal in the books we gave you at camp. If you have other suggestions or wnat to comment on the verse just do so by commenting on the day you read the verse. Got it? alright.
Here's the first verse...
Birth of Jesus---Matthew 1 and Luke 1

Friday, July 27, 2007

fearless series

so we're starting a new series this week about being "fearless" when it comes to the challenges you face in your lives. We'll be running the series for about a month just in time for our new move to the Fitness Center and the unveiling of our new ministry!!! we want to really start off with a bang so keep inviting all your friends and strangers to service. Hope you all are having a great week can't wait to see you all tomorrow night!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

the cooliest sounds made by cartoons ever!

so on the ride home from mini church last night...................we thought that there are some preeeety cool sounds made by cartoons =] so we decided to start a list on the blog of ze best cartoon sounds or phrases of ALLLL time!

we'll start it off and then you provide the rest..
(in no particular orderrrr.)

1. Narrrrf! (pinky of pinky and the brain)
2. goo ge ge (transformers transforming)
3. DOH! (homer)

yeah so basicly alyssa and jordan are the COOLEST EVER!
ahaha and uh...hm...they can kick yo butt cuz they took kickboxing today!
hahaha and they LOVEEE Oklahoma and Misssouri. =]]]]
yaaaay! haha btw this is alyssa typing aha and jordan is sitting by beck across the room writing stuff. yeah hm....so me and jordan are documenting our summer =]
yeaaaaaah! and uh WE LOVE CAROLINE! chee!
hmm welllll....i think im gonna go now.
"i cant wait till i graduateeeeee"
kshooots<3 =]]]]

this just in...beck sux at wii

ok i admit it...i suck at the wii-
especially wario ware-
there's just something so unnatural about putting a controller over your head and stabbing a piece of meat by forcibly jerking your head so that a horribly drawn cartoon carnivore (which kind of resembles cho cho lips) can get their Vitamin E for the day. (By the way congratulations Tyler you are the most ADD in the bunch, your skill at deftly placing teeth in grandma's mouth was legendary) However beyond any doubt the wii is pretty cool and should spark some really great creative ideas for the future of gaming. But what happened to the days of the Atari 2600 ahhhhhh...pixels. Times were much simpler back then...a couple games of pong and then some freeze tag outside was all we needed to keep ourselves busy. Nowadays it seems that everywhere you turn something new to take your time away from the important things in life. On Monday we're going to launch some new things in our ministry to draw us closer together with God- simply put we need to spend more time with Him. My prayer is that we can all help one another out as we get ready for the biggest move in all our lives and i'm not talking about going to the fitness center.
Unitl all the youth hear- beck.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

farm fresh eggs (not bishop)

remember how we talked on friday night about living extraordinary lives--well i want to start. so this weekend (with your help) i'll be passing out flyers- (buisness cards) at the farm fair on sunday. The card will describe our new sermon series "Fearless" that i'm going to start this week saturday. I figured it'd be a great way to invite new high school youth to our services. I'll give you all more details this week saturday night.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

oh yeah about the thorns...

as my wounds heal from Satan's Garden- i wanted to share with you all that we got some major praise (which we in turn give right back to God) for our work this past Saturday. Principal Nishikawa sent a letter to every staff person here at KMS giving our "crew" special thanks for all the work we did. And it gets better, although i didn't know it at that time---the work in Satan's Garden was supposed to be for the custodians to clean up. We SAVED them huge amounts of time and work, of course it wasn't without literally spilling our blood. What an awesome tetimony to the hard work our group does. Thanks guys and girls- even the ones who took a short nap in the youth van.

Monday, July 23, 2007

grump grumpy grumpy

i'm convinced that i need to take a day off after camp next year- getting not much sleep over two days and then dealing with 6th graders is not a good combination.

hopefully you'll all get a chance to read the blog this week- i see shevelle already has- way to go! i'm giving a prize to the next two people who comment on this blog next this coming saturday at service. i'm already giving shevelle one.

we're going to use this blog as a daily online bible study for those who are interested- i'll tell you all about it this week at service. sleep on!

Friday, July 20, 2007


hey everyone at hotwaterjuiceaction - if you're reading this...camp2 is over and i'm probably in trouble over what happened at camp- although as i write this camp2 hasn't even started yet- just call me prophetic i guess. I also have a sneaking suspicion that it had something to do with a cantalope.

I'm sitting here about 11:15 am waiting for camp2 to start in only 5 short hours. I have to say I don't know what to expect- we have everything ready- the food is bought- the tomatoes are peeled- the van is packed- it seems that everything is ready- but i'm not quite sure if i am.

A lot of times as a youth pastor we want to make your camp experience as memorable as ever-we desire to see Him invade you- and make you feel emotions you never thought you had.

For my minichurch I loved hearing your hearts on wednesday night
it blessed me so much to hear how much you hunger for God. I hope that as you read this you have taken your first step on the bridge between the World and God.

For everyone else- the new phase of our youth group has begun- what role will you play?
did you take the step or are you going to stay tied to the world.

Until all the youth hear, -beck