Thursday, July 26, 2007

this just in...beck sux at wii

ok i admit it...i suck at the wii-
especially wario ware-
there's just something so unnatural about putting a controller over your head and stabbing a piece of meat by forcibly jerking your head so that a horribly drawn cartoon carnivore (which kind of resembles cho cho lips) can get their Vitamin E for the day. (By the way congratulations Tyler you are the most ADD in the bunch, your skill at deftly placing teeth in grandma's mouth was legendary) However beyond any doubt the wii is pretty cool and should spark some really great creative ideas for the future of gaming. But what happened to the days of the Atari 2600 ahhhhhh...pixels. Times were much simpler back then...a couple games of pong and then some freeze tag outside was all we needed to keep ourselves busy. Nowadays it seems that everywhere you turn something new to take your time away from the important things in life. On Monday we're going to launch some new things in our ministry to draw us closer together with God- simply put we need to spend more time with Him. My prayer is that we can all help one another out as we get ready for the biggest move in all our lives and i'm not talking about going to the fitness center.
Unitl all the youth hear- beck.

1 comment:

Taka said...

Yay! first comment!
ja that was fun. it was funny how you couldnt do like ,lots of them, then when we got to the scissors part, you would get cut off first.

peace owt