Monday, July 30, 2007

No arrests made at Farm Fair HOORAY!!!

I first want to thank the girl at the ride ticket booth for warning us that the cops were after "the group passing out the cards" sweeetttt. I also want to thank tyler o, lynk, shaina, and bishop (who's not talking to me for some reason, but congrats you won the poll!) for willing to stand up and hold signs for our TV commercial- by the way tyler and lynk i will never quite look at a Dog and Pony Show the same way ever again. To everyone who passed out cards great job, now let's pray that we have an effect!
So today starts our daily bible readings, in the future i'll be putting it at the beginning of each of my posts. But we're going to start by going trough the GOSPELS in chronogical order. All you have to do is read the verse and then if you want, you can journal in the books we gave you at camp. If you have other suggestions or wnat to comment on the verse just do so by commenting on the day you read the verse. Got it? alright.
Here's the first verse...
Birth of Jesus---Matthew 1 and Luke 1


Jordan Perry said...

fridays pictures are posted

alyssaa said...

was funyyyyy.

Anonymous said...

yea i wasnt there but i heard everythin. instead of runnin from cops i was eating dust and lots of people were complaining to me that they were wastin gas with parkin. you guys had all the fun last nite...o well

lysss said...

that was pretty cool with like the signs. totally cant wait to see the like finished commercial thing. hmm hopefully we got some people to come to service with the card stuffs.