Great service last night everyone. I pray that "the 20" heard the message and are actively pursuing God's will in their life today. Now the only problem is you have to find out what to do this saturday night.
Pslams 30:8
I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart.I love the connection here between doing God's will and internalizing His Word. A lot of people want to know what God's will is for their lives, but they expect to find it without taking time to find out what God's Word already says about it. We can't follow God's plan for our lives without hiding His Word in our hearts. Likewise, a desire to do God's will doesn't come without applying His Word to our lives in the first place. Having a desire to do God's will, knowing what that is for your life and digging into the Word are all interconnected. It's hard to have one part of that without the rest.Extra time in the Word: Psalm 40
I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart.I love the connection here between doing God's will and internalizing His Word. A lot of people want to know what God's will is for their lives, but they expect to find it without taking time to find out what God's Word already says about it. We can't follow God's plan for our lives without hiding His Word in our hearts. Likewise, a desire to do God's will doesn't come without applying His Word to our lives in the first place. Having a desire to do God's will, knowing what that is for your life and digging into the Word are all interconnected. It's hard to have one part of that without the rest.Extra time in the Word: Psalm 40
wow, an empty Saturday...i havent seen one of these in a long time...i'l probably practice for 10 a.m. service...o well.
Those new monitors are awesome...i jus have to say that
Yeah... what am I gonna do now =P
If you have time Beck, can you make a flyer or something with a map to the Fitness Center on it because I have friends at school who would like to check it out but I can't give directions for the life of me.
wow havent been on here in a while now. thursday service was pretty cool. and small. but what are we gonna do saturday nites now?
oh yeah and beck don't lose that paper. its my homework and i never made any copy of it.
This is my first time I've ever wrote a comment. I guess the question of the weeks been " what am I going to do on saturday nights? " well I might have an answer to your question. Every other saturday nights we will be able to hang out at the cafe, watch movies, eat and just fellowship. Praying for you all this week. Be good and Make good choices!!
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