So if you took a look at the poll last week you'll see that none of those things happened. However, who would've thought that we would have busted by the NAVY, then have to swim a 1/4 mile through shark infested waters--(thanks sean sharpe btw.) Needless to say thanks to all who came. The video from camp will be shown in 2 weeks- if i can't get it up on the blogspot.
Also, remember this THURSDAY 6:30pm OUR NEW HOME and service will be at the old Fitness Center on Barber's Point. If you need directions or anything--please call.
John 16:33
These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world. Life is filled with too much turmoil NOT to turn to Christ for peace. It's miserble trying to handle it all on our own, so Christ spoke to give us peace and courage. Plus, this life is not all there is. There's an eternity of peace awaiting us that only God can provide.
Extra time in the Word: John 16:23-33
aww. too bad i didnt have my swimsuit with me, or i wouldve gotten the chance to swim 1/4 mile with you guys.
oh well.
i put that picture you wanted in my blog. just click the name link thing. :]
yeah caroline, you should have brought your swimsuit!
swim in dog waste ha.
next time!
i might be able to come on thurday!
well, at least for a little while.
Looking forward to our first service this Thursday
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